Through our subsidiary company, Avectus, Bolder works with healthcare providers to coordinate available insurance benefits to assist in the payment of the costs associated with patients’ medical care, from the appropriate parties when patients have been involved in an accident.

We are not a collection agency, and patients may hear from us before receiving a bill or statement from the healthcare provider.

Please take a moment and fill out our Claim Questionnaire below or call us directly at 833-760-0817.

Your Contact Information


2. Explain the details of your injury


3. Where did the accident or injury occur (city, state, county)?


5. Complete this question IF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT.


6. Complete this question IF YOU WERE NOT THE OWNER OF THE VEHICLE.


7. Complete this question IF ANOTHER PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE (applies to any type of accident or injury)


8. Do you have an attorney representing you for this accident? If YES, answer the below questions.

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